She’s a beautiful, fierce, earth angel…capturing the hearts of all who meet her and inspiring us to greatness we didn’t realize we could achieve. Yesterday she took her first step in a battle against a deadly disease. A battle that those whom love her know she will win.
It always seems like the best and brightest are the ones on the front lines fighting diseases…fighting to find cures…fighting to ward off that which we don’t fully understand.
Is it fair? Absolutely not.
But we all know life isn’t fair. Is it possible to understand why this person and not another? Of course not. Only the Universe has those answers. Do these people become inspirations to those of us that are trying so hard to help…support…honor…hold space for them? Without question! While we are trying to be brave, they are living it.
Yesterday as I sat and talked with this red winged angel, I was in awe of her composure. Of her determination. Of her humor and compassion. But more than anything, I was in awe of her vulnerability. I could feel her fear but see her resolve. Her resolve to beat this “thing”.
Losing this battle was not…is not…an option. This angel has far too many gifts and blessings to share. She has too much love to give to the world. She has too much to teach us mere mortals about the importance of simply being kind.
In the short time I’ve known her, I’ve come to treasure her. She’s not a daily fixture in my life but whenever our paths cross, my heart is touched.
As we pull the power of positive thought and prayer, this will change. I will think of her daily. I will send her love and light. I will pray for her safe and speedy recovery. It’s the least I can do. I know she’s done it for me.
To my beautiful, fierce, earth angel…you got this!